Rabu, 23 November 2011

Being Romantic Man ...

on this post ,
i would share my little experience in love story ..
about "being romantic"

Okay ,
Let's just start with a poem ,
because there are so many poem that I've created since two years ago.
the point is ,
I am not such a Romantic Person.
the sweet words comes because it is really exist ...

I wanted these vows to be perfect ,

But perfection is a hard thing to get your hands on
"but life is meant to be a little messy
"And when it comes to LOVE ,
"I think it's like my dad always say about the learning …

You only sign up if it's the only thing
"You could ever imagine doing
And Karina, I cannot imagine spending
a moment of my life without you

You're my bestfriend
You're my home
And You're my true love
And I'm Yours
And Will be Forever ...

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